Purple Dreams - An Intimate Performance At Paisley Park Featuring Erykah Badu

I've had many memorable dreams about Prince over the years and eerily, before he passed, this year they were quite regular. I'm sure I'll share my recollections as I recall my Purple Memories, but this post is about my first dream about Prince after April 21st 2016.

In the first couple of weeks after Prince died, sleep didn't come easy to me at all, yet I prayed to the heavens above and to his spirit to send me some kind of sign or message that he was OK, to explain what went wrong, to hear his voice, anything to rest my heart and shake me up out of the shock and heartbreak. When there's drama and hurt going on in your every day life, to have the one solace that you seek comfort and escapism in ripped away from you, it fucks you up. Life without Prince is a tough, dark and scary reality. I needed my dreams, to see him again, to hold on to that connection.

Prince in red and looking supercool, as he did in my dream, but
without the shades.

For over three weeks I had no dreams at all. Now I have dreams about all kinds of things and people all the time. Weird, magical, vivid, scary, whatever. Yet in those early weeks in mourning Prince there was nothing. Nada! Grief had darkened my dreams too. I can't recall what my first dream was about but I remember being thankful they had come back, yet bitterly disappointed that it wasn't about Prince. It was the night of June 17th that Prince came to me in my dreams... Erykah Badu was sat down on the stage of Paisley Park in her Earth Mama mode, dressed in red. I can't remember what she was singing, but after the song, she started talking about Prince and then introduced him to the small, but crowded audience. Everybody seemed shocked by Erykah's announcement, but there was no mayhem as our eyes fixed on the smoky entrance waiting for him to come out. Cool and calm as ever, Prince strutted out but I couldn't see his face, his back was facing me and my eyes were fixated on his bare feet (I take this as a sign indicating pain with his feet and now they are painless or the usual habit I had of initially checking out his shoes in every video, TV appearance or photo of him), he was also dressed in red, a fitted blazer with knee-length seamed shorts. He walked up to Erykah, they hugged and spoke to each other briefly, then he walked over to his piano, sat down, then I saw his face. He looked happy, smiling, flashing that teasing grin, then our eyes met for a moment, he nodded as if to say "this is for you" and played 'Condition Of The Heart'.

I can't remember nothing else, but the vibe of my dream was beautiful and comforting. I woke up with dampened eyes. Relieved that I'd had my personal moment since he'd gone but missing him even more.
