Hate On Prince's "Date"

Prince and his date
Source: www.MediaTakeOut.com

Pictures of Prince out with his 'new girlfriend' were published on urban gossip website MediaTakeOut.com earlier this month. This website rarely delivers facts so I paid little attention to the assumption, that this is the lady in his life. However, the headline featured with the images - “Prince has been dating the SAME CHICK since 1985...it's just as they get OLDER...he trades them in for a NEWER MODEL!!!” - really got my back up.

Am I black or white? Am I Straight or gay?”
  • Controversy Prince 1981

Comments on the site angered me even more, insinuating that as a black man, he turns away from his “own” to date out of his race. Then there's the “gay” line that the haters always seem to throw in when they just wanna attack Prince for no god-damn reason. Everybody knows Prince is multiple raced, including black and in the words of black Boxing champion, Frank Bruno, who was tormented for marrying a white woman.. “what right have people got to tell me who I can fancy?”. Yes Prince loves the Latino ladies but he's also dated white and black women and FFS, the man is not gay.

The only sensible comment was by someone named 'Chocolate_Box' who has followed Prince's career for over 30 years. He named the 'mystery date' as Julie Ramadan, Prince's PA.  So stick that up your 'exclusive' MediaTakeOut.
