Prince Song Quotation - Anna Stesia

Today's choice of Prince lyric quotation goes all the way back to the Lovesexy album in 1988.
Anna Stesia is Track 4 on the Lovesexy record. The song itself, rumoured to be written for Anna Fantastic, is a masterpiece in itself, but the prayer like verse, in which he speaks to the Lord above is so powerful and majestic to me.

In Purple terms the "Save me Jesus, I've been a fool..." could be related to the 'bad experiences' Prince was going through during the original release of the Black album (which he scrapped). However, for me, as a mixed-up thirteen year old back in 1988, it was a prayer like beckoning to get over myself and trust in the Lord. Prince has a Strangely Beautiful way of intertwining sex, religion and politics in his lyrics. Anna Stesia is a prime example of using sex and religion.
